Investigation of mineralization in Gazkhizan copper deposit (west of Semnan), based on economic and tectonic geological evidence


1 Islamic Azad University - Science and Research Branch

2 Professor, Azad University, North Tehran Branch

3 Department of Earth Sciences, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University

4 Department of Geology, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.

5 Department of Geology, Chalus Branch, Islamic Azad University


The study area is part of the Troud geological quadrilateral, which is located in the central Iran zone from the perspective of structural geology of Iran. The two main faults of Troud in the south and Anjilo in the north, with their vertical movements and the extension of their left slip, play an important role in structural events and the movement of mineral fluids and mineral deposits. The study area is composed mostly of volcanic rocks and less volcanic-sedimentary rocks with a combination of intermediate to basic and Upper Middle Eocene.
Gazkhizan region has a mineralization zone 350 meters long and 50-70 meters wide with an almost "east-west" trend. The fracture geometry in this region was determined using Win Tensor and Georeient software.
There is also a northeast-southwest shear zone with copper veins. Fracture analysis in this area shows that most vein fractures are consistent with T-type fractures due to the function of a left lateral shear area. These vein fractures are located north, northeast-south, southwest.


Main Subjects

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