Separation of geological ore and gangues zones based on multivariate fractal modeling in Jalal Abad iron ore deposit, Central Iran


1 Department of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University


Jalal Abad iron deposit is located in 38 km northwest of Zarand city with about 200 million tons of iron ore reserves with an average grade of 46.2% iron, 0.98%, sulfur and 0.07% phosphorus. It is one of the seven important iron deposits of central Iran. The rock types of this area include low-sulfur oxide high-grade iron ore, sulfur-containing high-grade iron ores and low-grade silicate magnetite iron ores. Separation of mineralized zones based on the extent of ore and geological gangues is important for mine planning and drilling operation in mines. The main purpose of this study is the separation of mineralized zones based on the frequency and spatial expansion of mineral ores and gangues using fractal modeling in the deposit. The concentration-volume (C-V) fractal model was used for iron, sulfur and phosphorus in this deposit. These results showed that the main mineralized zones have a grading range as Fe ≥ 51, S ≤0.7 and P ≤0.4%. The fourth and fifth populations obtained by the iron block model are related as the main ores. Gangues and weakly mineralized zones also indicated at the first and second zones. Finally, optimal decisions can be made based on economic changes related to time and market conditions, for the third zone.


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