Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the marly part of Farrokhi formation in the Farrokhi stratigraphic section (Central Iran, West Tabas)


1 Director of Basic Sciences Department, Payam E Noor University, Birjand Center

2 University of Birjand-Faculity of science-Department of geology

3 Islamic Azad University of Shiraz


In the present study, biostratigraphy of calcareous nannofossils from the marl part of Farrokhi formation in the Central Iran basin, stratigraphic section of Farrokhi village, are investigated. In the studied section, Farrokhi formation mainly consists of limestone, marls, and marly limestone. 64 samples were investigated from the marl successions of Farrokhi formation with 118 m thickness. Calcareous nannofossil studies lead to identification of 35 species belong to 22 genus. Based on the recognized genus and species, CC22-CC25 of Sissingh zonation were determined. According to this, the age of the late Campanian- early late Maastrichtian proposed to marly part of the Farrokhi formation in the studied section. In this research paleoecological investigations of calcareous nanofossils shows that the studied area was deposited in relatively low latitude with warm surface water, low productivity and low fertility conditions.
According to this, the age of the late Campanian- early late Maastrichtian proposed to marly part of the Farrokhi formation in the studied section. In this research paleoecological investigations of calcareous nanofossils shows that the studied area was deposited in relatively low latitude with warm surface water, low productivity and low fertility conditions.


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