Strain changes in Dasht-e-Bayaz strike-slip fault terminal (East of Iran) and its role in copper and silver mineralization


1 University of Birjand

2 University of Birjand -Birjand

3 Department of geology, Faculty of science, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran

4 Geological Survey of Iran, Northeast Territory


Study of relationship between deformation and mineralization is a key for mineral exploration. In this study, we have investigated the status of tensile structures such as open joints and silica nodules, and their relationship with vein mineralization of copper and silver in Dasht-e-Bayaz fault terminal in east of Iran. The studies are focused on three exploratory areas excavated by the Geological Organization of Iran. The results of core drilling in three areas were prepared and analyzed using rockworks software and fence diagrams were prepared. Also, the specifications of tensile structures were entered in the ellipsefit software and the values of the tectonic strain parameters were calculated and implemented in the Fossen diagram. Results showed that the dominant shearing type in the region is pure and tends to simple as it moves away from the main fault of Dasht-e-Beyaz and its major branching faults. Also, the investigation of the relationship between rock quality (RQD) and copper-silver mineralization revealed that the proximity to the main fault and the faults branching from it has a direct relationship with mineralization. Alignment of mineralized veins with tensile structures indicates the effect of fault terminal function on mineralization.


Main Subjects