Assessment of heavy metal contamination in soil and sediments Jovein plain


1 PhD student in Environmental Geology, Faculty of Science, Urmia University

2 Faculty member of Geology Department of Urmia University

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Urmia University


Contamination of soil and sediments with heavy metals causes the destruction of organisms in ecosystems.The Sources of sediments and soil of Jovein plain from ophiolites. Therefore, it is important due to the existence of geogenic pollutants, especially chromium and nickel . In this study, some indicators of heavy metal pollution in the soil and sediments, were evaluated .The purpose of this research was to evaluate the degree of soil and sediment pollution. 107 surface soil samples were collected from the depth of 0-30 cm and sent to the laboratory for analysis. Soil samples were digested by 4 acid method and the concentration of the heavy metals was measured by the ICP-OES device. Results showed that the metal pollutants could be classified into two groups. The first group includes nickel and chromium, which are 6 and 3 times higher than the average shale values in all samples, respectively. The second group, which includes arsenic, cobalt, copper, lead and zinc, is almost equal to the global average of shale. The western side of the plain has low level ofpollution. Most likely, the cause of environmental geochemistry abnormality can be chromite mines and its processing activities, which are located in this area. The northern area of the ferrochrome factories, the sugar and citric acid factories of Jovein, which are downstream of the above industries, is very high in terms of the possibility of toxicity to heavy metals with a high risk level, and also the percentage of possible toxicity is between 50-75%.


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