Investigation the Inversion tectonic mechanism in the Doruneh fault zone (north of Lut)


1 Department of geology, Faculty of science, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran

2 Department of geology.Faculty of science. University of Birjand. Birjand.Iran

3 Geology department- Faculty of sciences- University of Birjand

4 Assistant professor,Department of Geology, University of Birjand


The Doruneh fault system is one of the major faults in Central Asia that limits the northern margin of the central Iranian microplate.The major reorganization of tectonic deformation in the collision zone of Arabia and Eurasia associated with the reactivation of strike-slip faults.The analysis of fault kinematic data along DFS shows the recent maximum stress field with an average direction of N15E.The investigation of the stratigraphic age of the stations shows that the youngest layers that have been affected by the NW stress are rocks of Miocene-Pliocene age.Geomorphic indicators along the DFS and the prominent geomorphological evidence in the central part, where the fault crosses Quaternary sediments shows the left movement this area fault while in the eastern parts of the DFS, due to the shape of the waterways, which have shifted in a sigmoidal shape, this part of fault system has a dextral strike-slip mechanism. In fact, the NW stress caused the dextral movement of the DFS before the Pliocene And after that, the current tension has caused a tectonic inversion in the form of a left lateral movement on this fault zone.the change in the geometry of the fault due to the bending caused by the pressure from the lut side compared to the direction of the current stress has caused a change in the mechanism in different parts of this fault system. As a result of the change in the curvature of the fault, different mechanisms have occurred in the eastern and western parts of the fault.


Main Subjects

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