Investigating the temporal evolution of deformation pattern based on the integration of structural and thermochronometric data in the Bozgoosh-Chehel Noor Mountain Range, NW Iran


1 Department of Geology, Payam-e-Noor University, Iran

2 Geology department- Faculty of sciences- University of Birjand

3 Department of geology, Faculty of science, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran

4 Department of Earth Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University


Bozgoosh-Chehel Noor mountain range is located in the western part of the Alborz Orogen. From the point of view of its formation, growth and evolution, this area has a tectonic history similar to the western Alborz. The outcropped rock units in the study area includes Paleogene and Neogene sediments. However, the older rock units of Precambrian to Late Cretaceous age are spread in the east of Bozgoosh mountain range, north of Chehel Noor mountain range and parts of Kafilankoh heights (continuation of Chehel Noor mountain range). Bozgoosh mountain range with an approximate east-west trend and Chehl Noor mountain range with an approximate north-south trend are almost perpendicular to each other. The Garmechai Fault with a reverse left-lateral mechanism and the southern Bozgosh Fault with a right-lateral reverse mechanism are the most important faults in the region and play a major role in the formation of these heights. So far, thermochronometric study has not been done in this area to determine the initial formation time, exhumation and uplift rate. The results of low temperature U-Th/He thermochronometric analysis in apatite integrated with structural data showed the cooling age of Bozgoosh mountain range and Chehel Noor mountain range- Kafilankoh is 19-25 Ma and 15 Ma, respectively. Therefore, it seems that the beginning of the deformation in Bozgoosh mountain range and Chehel Noor-Qaiflankoh mountain range was Early Oligocene and Middle Miocene, respectively.


Main Subjects

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