Study of deformation pattern and kinematic characteristics in the Gelmandeh metamorphic complex, Saghand region, Central Iran


1 Department of Earth Sciences, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

2 Fars Education Organization, Shiraz, Iran



Study of deformation pattern and kinematic characteristics in the Gelmandeh metamorphic complex, Saghand region, Central Iran


The Golmandeh Metamorphic Complex is located in the Central East Iranian Microcontinent. In this research, structural and microstructural studies have been performed to determine the nature of the deformation in the Golmandeh metamorphic complex. The presence of microstructures such as mica fish, rotating porphyroclasts, and the S/C structure all indicate the top-to-northeast sense of shear. Based on the dynamic recrystallization studies, the deformation temperature in the Golmandeh Metamorphic Complex is estimated between 500 and 650° C. This condition correspond to amphibolite metamorphic facies. Using the Rigid Grain Net (RGN) method, the mean kinematic vorticity number was estimated to be 0.75. Based on the results of kinematic studies, the deformation regime in the Golmandeh Metamorphic Complex was determined as a general shear with contribution of 55% simple shear and 45% pure shear component.


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