Comparison of global modeling data and focal mechanism, a criterion for investigating the direction of crustal movement in Khuzestan Province


Department of Geology, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz


With the formation of plate tectonics theory, it became possible to describe many geological phenomena. During the development of this theory, many scientists and researchers tried to use different methods to quantitatively and qualitatively express the amount and direction of crustal motion. Determination of crustal direction and velocity movement is important for understanding the recent stress and strain fields and tectonics events. Different global tectonic models have been suggested for study the direction and velocity of crustal movement. In this research using global plate motion model (NUVEL1), international terrestrial reference frame (ITRF) and global strain rate model (GSRM) models the velocity and direction mapped for Khuzestan province. In order to comparison the result of global models with recent stress and strain fields the results of twenty earthquake focal mechanisms evaluated for Khuzestan province. The results reveal that the direction of crustal movement shows the best correlation with ITRF global model. Therefore, the ITRF global model can be introduced as more valid model for obtaining and analysing data in the future studies.


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