Investigation of geology, mineralogy and genesis of Hararan copper deposit


Department of Geology, Zarand Brach, Islamic Azad University, Zarand, Iran


Hararan deposit is located 110 km northeast of Baft city, Kerman province. This area is located on the Urmia-Dokhtar belt. The predominant lithology in the area of ​​Hararan copper deposit includes a collection of volcanic and igneous rocks with shallow infiltration massifs. One of the important features of this region is the intense volcanic activity and the formation of the volume of potassic, argillic, proplitic and siliceous alterations due to the influence of igneous masses into volcanic rocks, which is related to the Eocene. In the host rock of Hararan deposit, more mineralization can be detected in the form of veins, veinlets, under the control of open spaces of fractures and stockwork. The area has alleles of algal, potash, propolitic and silicification alteration. Mineralization in siliceous alteration zones may be associated with amounts of gold and the elements silver, arsenic, and antimony. Supergene processes are observed in potash and propylitic zones with outcrops of malachite, neocyte minerals and in argillic zone with jarocyte and goethite minerals. The data obtained from the study of quartz mineral fluid intermediates show that mineralization is formed in the temperature range of 110 to 410 ° C. The highest salinity rate was between 4 and 21% by weight equivalent of NaCl. Field evidence and microscopy of fluid intermediates in the quartz mineral of the Hararan deposit show that the ore-forming fluid is very similar to epitermal.


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