Using multi-criteria approaches to landfill location (Study area: Birjand City)


1 Department of Water Resources Study and Research, Water Research Institute, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Computer Engineering, Birjand University of Technology, Birjand, Iran


Proper use of natural resources to improve living standards leads to growth and macro-sustainable development. Proper use of production resources and their proper recycling will play an important role in the growth and health of a society. One of the problems with the current environment due to population growth and development, trash talk and buried it. The potential use of waste due to the continuation of production is very high, but due to the slow recovery, many problems are buried. The location of landfill areas Birjand as a strategic area, is evaluated. In order to introduce the 4 main criteria for the analysis of two multi ANP and entropy method was used for the right place in the GIS environment. 4 standard natural environment, geological and hydrogeological conditions, economic factors and how to exploit the situation in the region as the main criteria were selected location. The four criteria considering the 15 sub-criteria model in GIS environment and ultimately ranked fifth convenient location with ANP and 4 using the appropriate method for entropy method was presented. In order to analyze the spatial distribution of the error of choice in the GIS environment were analyzed and based on the distance to the city were analyzed. Distribution of selected locations with two methods of entropy and ANP showed that the spatial distribution of more than ANP and Entropy two positions A4 and A5 are higher than other places Daria choice of the aquifer and the city of Birjand.


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