Study of Foraminifera of the Mishan Formation in Handun Section in Northwest Bandar Abbas and its Application in Sequence Stratigraphy


1 Department of Geology, Faculty of Earth Science, Kharazmi University

2 Reservoir Geology Division, Exploration and Production Department, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry, Tehran


     The sequence stratigraphy is a science that contributes significantly to analysis of the sedimentary basin and exploration. For this purpose, in this research, the sequence stratigraphy of the Mishan Formation in the Handun section was investigated in northwest Bandar Abbas. Based on foraminiferal assemblage age for deposition is Burdigalian to Langhian and three facies associations of tidal flat, lagoon, and open sea were recognized. Also, special view to contents of fossils, four depositional sequences of third order with 5 sequence boundaries were determined. Sedimentation began with TST that corresponds to global sea level rise in Burdigalian age. Relative sea level changes in this sedimentary basin are not corresponds to global sea level changes. It can be an activity local tectonic changes in southeast of Bandar Abbas hinterland.


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