The Arabshah Occurrence: an Epithermal Au-As-Sb Carlin Type Ineralization in the Takab-Angouran-Takht-e-Soleyman Metallogenic Zone, Western Azerbaijan


Department of Geology, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran


    Arabshah Au-As-Sb mineralization occurs as iron hydroxide-rich silicified zone within Precambrian marbleized dolomite. Ore minerals include pyrite, galena, sphalerite, orpiment, realgar, stibnite and chalcopyrite, and calcite, quartz and barite are present as gangue minerals at Arabshah. Alteration are consist of de-carbonation, silicification, sulfidization, argillic and carbonatization. Five stages of mineralization can be distinguished at Arabshah. Gold was formed as invisible within sulfides (especially pyrite) during stage 2. Comparison of Chondrite normalized REE patterns of middle-late Miocene fresh and barren dacitic subvolcanic domes and the mineralized samples at Arabshah indicate that ore-forming fluids are probably related to these domes. Characteristics of Arabshah occurrence are comparable with Carline-type gold deposits. Investigation of fault and alteration zones within Precambrian metamorphosed units which have spatial relationship with middle-late Miocene dacitic subvolcanic domes, is, therefore, of major importance in exploration of this type of gold mineralization at Takab-Angouran-Takht-e-Soleyman area.


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