Early thick- Skinned and Thin- Skinned Deformation of Eastern Zagros (Fars Arc)


1 Basic Science Department, University of Tarbiat Modares, Tehran, Iran

2 Earth Science Department, Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), Zanjan,Iran.

3 Department of Geosciences, University of Padua, Padua, Italy


     Development of basement-involved folds in the border of East Zagros structural subzones has provided favorable conditions for study on transposition of thin- skinned and thick-skinned deformations. Geometric parameters of folds (aspect ratio,symetry index, change of forelimb thickness in fault related folds), thickness variations and lithofacies change of syntectonic formations (Fars group), geometery and kinematic of faults and thermocronometric study by using, Apatite, Apatite Helium (A-He), Zircon Helium (Zr-He)fission track methods confirmed that completely collosion of Iran and Arabian plates initiated from 16.5 Ma and inverted  the inheriated basemental normal fault (they are controlling sedimentation condition in Zagross basin). Near the boundary between Zagros and makran and in the bourder of interior and coastal Fars, developed trishear fold (broad monocline at the surface) in sedimentary cover.Thin- skinned deformation initiated after thick-skinned deformation from cllosional zone and propogate to south west. Sedimentary squance of interior and coastal Fars boundary deformed 7 Ma. 


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