Relation between Pb-Zn Mineralization with Fault Structures in Dareh-Zanjir Mine, SW Yazd


1 Geology Department, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran

2 Department of Sciences, Roma Tre University, Murialdo,1, Room


     The Dareh-zanjir pb-zn  Mine in SW Yazd is located 2km SE of Taft city. Different Paleozoic-Mesozoic rocks were displaced and thrust towards SW in thrust duplexes and klippe structures in the area. Devonian sandstones, Permian dolomites and Cretaceous carbonate rocks are found in thrust sheets. The most exposed rocks in the study area are dark grey massive, thick-bedded dolomitic Orbitolina bearing limestone of the Taft Formation which has thrust over younger thin-bedded shale with intercalations of medium-bedded limestone of the Darehzanjir Formation. N70E trending normal fault systems dipping both toward SE and NE with shallowly dipping faults with the same strike dipping to SSE are controlling the Lead-Zinc lenses in the Darehzanjir Mine area.


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