Compparison of Organic Geochemical Data in Mobarak Formation (Eastern Alborz) in Touyeroudbar, Labnessar and Mighan Regions


1 School of Earth Sciences , Damghan University, Damghan

2 School of Earth Sciences , Damghan University.

3 Center for Exploration and Production Studies and Research, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI), Tehran.

4 School of Earth Sciences , Kharazmi University, Tehran


In the present work 47 surface samples of the Touyerodbar, Labnessar and Mighan sections have been pyrolysed by Rock-Eval2.Results indicated that Mobarak Formation in three sections and especially in Touyerodbar and Mighan regions have high TOC and Tmax values , has been hydrocarbon generation potential. The Mobarak Formation in Touyerodbar and Mighan sections with Tmax up 487°C and 498°C not only crossed the oil window but also have reached the wet gas generating stage. TOC value with avarage of 1.22 W.t% for Touyerodbar samples and 1.06 W.t% for Labnessar samples and 1.31 W.t% for Mighan samples obtained and lower value of S2 can this Formation classified as poor reservoir rock. Evidences  indicates  that the  kerogen  of Mobarak Formation  is type III and limited amount of type II/III .


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