Structural Model Based on Fractures Studies in the Zar Mehr Gold Deposit


1 Department of Geology, Faculty of Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.

2 Department of Geology, Faculty of Sciences, Payame Noor University of Mashhad.


    The  Kuh-e-Zar gold deposit is located at north east of Iran in 33 km of the Torbate-e-Heydariyeh and in north boarder of Central Iran zone.This area is generally covered by Tertiary volcanic and plutonic rocks. Mineralization can be seen in the form of veins and veinlets forms open space filling texture of shear parts.The Kuh-e-Zar exploration site is at a shear zone of  Doruneh fault. So Majority of geological evolutions and structural features are affected by Doruneh fault activity.Due to exploration and mining, faults are exposed and field data gather in the vicinity of these faults.The results of field study,Win tensor data analysis and GIS satellite image analysis indicate that Zarmehr ore formed in a Riedel shear system. The results of this study indicate that a series of structures provide a proper space to deposit mineralized fluids. Fractures are the most important controlles of fluid flow in ore deposit. So, identify these structures provide the most valuable information about mineral exploration.


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