Characterization, hydrogeochemistry and source of potentially toxic metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Cr, Ni) in Zayanderud river


Department of earth sciences, Faculty of sciences, Shiraz university, Iran


In order to characterize water and sediments of Zayanderud river samples were taken and analysed. Permeability index and sodium absorption ratio coefficients along with Wilcox diagram indicate that the quality of Zayandehrud water is suitable for irrigation purposes. Calculated saturation index (SI) also reveals the suitability of water for industrial applications. Analyses of effluents discharged from three wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) along the river indicate that Zarrinshahr WWTP effluent is more suitable for irrigation because of chlorination less nitrite concentration compared with Safaieh and southern Isfahan wastewater treatment plants. This study suggests that discharged wastewater and municipal runoff, are the main reasons for the observed elevated heavy metal concentrations in Zayanderud water and sediments. Illegal discharge of wastewater along riverbank also plays a role in high metal contents specially in sediments. Pollution load index (PLI) reveals that high concentrations of polluting heavy metals are largely derived from anthropogenic sources. Calculated water-sediment distribution coefficient (Kd) for metals displays the following trend:
Cu > Cr > Ni > Zn >Pb > Cd and indicates the most and the least bioavailable elements as Cd and Cu, respectively.


صداقت. م.، 1387، زمین و منابع آب (آبهای زیرزمینی)، انتشارات دانشگاه پیام نور.
جعفری. ع.، 1376، گیتاشناسی ایران، رودها و رودنامه ایران، جلد دوم چاپ اول.
زاهدی. م.، صمدیان. م.، عمیدی. م.، 1353، برگه 250000/1 زمین شناسی شهر اصفهان، سازمان زمین شناسی و اکتشافات معدنی کشور.
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