Simulation of Heavy Metals Transport in Shiraz Industrial City Aquifer


Keywords: Shiraz industrial complex zone, Heavy toxic metals, Natural attenuation, Flow model, Solute transport model


Based on the previous studies conducted in the Shiraz industrial complex zone, the concentration of heavy metals in the groundwater resources is much higher than the normal level. In this research, ground water flow of the aquifer in industrial complex zone is simulated in steady and unsteady conditions using MODFLOW code. The velocity field simulated by the flow model is used as input to the solute transport model, MT3D. Considering advection process, hydrodynamic dispersion and the process of adsorption, MT3D model is calibrated by simulating the plume of several heavy toxic metals, and the retardation coefficient of each element is determined. Based on the values of retardation coefficient, the fate of pollutants and the natural attenuation potential of the study site are evaluated. Finally, the attenuation potential is presented in the form of simple exponential equations. These equations could be a simple tool in the hand of practitioners for predicting the natural changes of concentration of these elements with the passage of time.


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