Mineralization and ground magnetic exploration of magnetite mineralization between Baghak and C-North, Sangan iron mine, Khaf


1 Research Center for Ore Deposit of Eastern Iran, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Eastern Iran iron mine company


The study area is located between C-North and Baghak central bodies in Sangan iron mine, Khaf, in the province of Khorasan Razavi. Sangan is the largest Iron, IOCG, skarn deposit in Iran. Rock unite are silicified shale, carbonate (Jurassic-Cretaceous age) turned to skarn, tuff and younger sub-volcanic rocks formed as stocks, sill and dykes. Small outcrops of magnetite skarn are present in central and south west of the study area with EW or NW-SE trend. Magnetite mineralization is mostly parallel to bedding dipping 40 to 60 degrees to north. Magnetic susceptibility of all rock types is between 0.01 – 15×10-3 SI and magnetite mineralization is more than 1000×10-3 SI. Ground magnetic is a very useful method for exploration of mineralization in this area due to big difference of magnetic susceptibility. Total ground magnetic intensity (TMI) varies between 44123 -68224 gamma, highest anomaly located north west of the area. In TMI map, there are two main anomalies trending northwest- southeast in the middle and southwest of area. In the RTP map, the anomalies shift to north, which is coinside with dipping the mineralization to north. The first vertical derivative map (1VD) shows that most of the anomalies are deep source. The northwest is the major anomaly in the study area. Based on this data, 10 drill holes are suggested within the hanging wall of magnetite mineralization with azimuth of 180º and angle of 80-85º S. 


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