The Hydrogeochemistry of Groundwater in Zirab Coal Mine


Department of Geology, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


      Groundwater samples from five springs and one reservoir (monthly) and four drinking water wells (two times in one year) have been collected from 2007 to 2008 year. The geochemical evolution of groundwater in the study area has been affected by carbonate dissolution. The increase of chloride concentrations in the wet seasons in Tunnel Dah Dastgah, Kanich Kala, and Tunnel Pish springs could be attributed to the recharge from the mine galleries and coal layers. The anomalous increase in sodium and chloride concentrations versus to total dissolved solids in Googerdi Maadan and Tunnel Dah Dastgah springs indicate the recharge from coal layers in Shemshak formation. The mixing of infiltrated water from the coal layers with groundwater has been leaded to the increase of incongruent dissolution in the water / rock system. The cluster analysis of the hydrochemical data indicates that the drinking water wells are not affected by the coal layers. The sulfur smell of Maadan spring is a result of sulfate reduction in the aquifer.


شرکت ذغال سنگ البرز مرکزی، 1365، مطالعات زمین شناسی و آبشناسی مناطق ذغال سنگی آلاشت، مجتمع ذغال سنگ البرز مرکزی.
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