Simulation ofCeriumand Lanthanuminthestream sedimentofEshtehard regionusingan Artificial NeuralNetwork


1 Ph.D Student, Department of Mining and metallurgical Engineering, Yazd University,Yazdو Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering , Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


      Artificial Neural Network is an advanced method that is effective in estimation dynamic and nonlinear systemes. Recently the use of Artificial Neural Network and multivariate statistical methods spread in important environmental issues such as soil and surface water pollution to toxic elements that in this case can be provided a model based on a Artificial Neural Network for simulation of rare earth element. Considering the importance of Rare Earth Elements special Ce and La, this study aims to predict these elements concentration in the Eshtehard region of Iran by means of developed Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Forward Selection (FS) method was used for selecting input variables and developing hybrid models with ANN.From45 input candidates, 23 variables were selected using FS for Ce and La, respectively. Considering the correlation coefficient (R2 )values, both models (ANN and FS-ANN)are acceptable in prediction of Ce and La concentration. However, FS-ANN is superior, because R2values for Ce and La prediction for FS-AAN model is higher than R2 values for Ce and La prediction for ANN model. It is also shown that the FS-ANN model will be preferred in predicting pollution of Ce and La due to reducing in time of calculation in consequence of having less input variables.


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