Keywords = Porphyry copper
Investigating porphyry copper alterations and spectral behavior of related minerals using ASTER satellite images in the Zafarghand region, Isfahan

Volume 14, Issue 3, October 2024, Pages 623-651


SAMANE ESMAELZADEH KALKHORAN; Seyyed Saeed Ghannadpour; Hadi Jalili; Amir Moeini Rad

Automatic lineament extraction from ASTER images using the Hough transform, JabalBarez 1:100000 sheet

Volume 9, Issue 4, January 2020, Pages 374-391


Mahyadin Mohammadpour; Khaled Allahveisi; Abbas Bahroudi

Environmental geochemistry investigation of water, sediment and soils in the Darreh-zar porphyry copper deposit(Kerman)

Volume 2, Issue 1, April 2012, Pages 29-37

Farid Moore; Naghmeh Soltani; Behnam Keshavarzi; Mehrdad Karimi; Esmat Esmaeilzadeh

Geological, Alteration and magnetic anomaly pattern of Masjeddaghi porphyry copper deposit (East of Julfa)

Volume 1, Issue 2, January 2012, Pages 77-89

Ali Imamalipour; Mir Ebrahim Khatamian; Rasoul Oskoui; Jafar Abdollahi Sharif